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Showing posts from November, 2011

Quickly create a shared document in Google Drive - "How to guide"

I recently blogged about the advantages of using an online collaborative document to develop your curriculum area here .  This quick guide shows you how to set up and share the document! 1)  When you are logged into your google account click on the 'drive' button by going to the 9 tiny squares at the top right of the screen. 2) This will open a new window and take you to 'My Drive' the wonderful place where you can create a plethora of documents, forms and spreadsheets!  Click on the large 'Create' button on the left of the screen. 3) You are now given 6 choices - for this exercise we want to create a 'document' - it is very similar to a 'Word' or 'Open Office' document and has similar editing and presentation attributes. 4)  A new window will open with a text editor in it.  To change the name of your document click on 'untitled document', a box will appear with the option to type a new name.  The rest of ...