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Showing posts from April, 2013

3 ways to improve NCEA PE with google apps

Reflecting back on this term, here are 3 simple ways that I used google apps that have really transformed my teaching and the students learning.... 1) Use forms 1.1 and 1.5 require the students to reflect on experiences that they have had in class.  In previous years the students filled in sheets over the term/year with the entries on how they thought the lesson went with respect to team work and interpersonal skills.  It was unlikely that the sheets would stay intact

Twitter for teachers, one month and tweeting...

I have been using twitter for just over a month now - I had previously used it on a personal level, sharing bits and pieces of nonsense with about 20-30 friends back in England, but never really got into it - why don't you just ring them up and tell them what the surf was like, or send a group text.....?  I never really thought of using twitter in education - as along with facebook, I had decided that they

Protecting privacy when sharing student data with the community

*revision 2014* The MOE have contacted me and have since said that it is not ok to publish the NSN number online, even if it is not associated with a name and only shared with parents.  To get around this you could use the school student ID number? After a few conversations at school about the ethics behind sharing student results with parents and other class members  +Hamish Arthur  came up with an idea that we could hide the student name and use the National Student Number, then unhide the name when we wanted to add data - after about 5 seconds of fiddling with a table in google docs it was clear that this was the way to do it - students and parents can find the boy with the NSN, and the teacher can toggle the hide column - so we wouldn't waste time and easily mismark work when using 9 digit long references instead of names!  This is how you do it.. 1) Make sure all the students know their NSN  number - they should know this if they are level ...

NCEA 2.2 Train to Gain and Google Apps

I have been using google apps to teach and assess level 1 and 2 PE this term, at GBHS we are looking at 2.2 train to gain - the boys have to facilitate their own training session and reflect on how it went.  The assessment is internal and requires the boys to have a knowledge of Methods of Training, Principles of training, as well as an understanding of physiological responses to exercise.  Each week this term I have been taking an hour long training session to highlight the different methods and

How to share and collaborate with a class and google+ circles

Google+ circles are a great way to share with students, you generally have ownership over what goes on in the circles you create - and can share only the information you like with the people/students you need to.  It is easy to maintain professional distance from students and still utilise the great sharing options of a social network. This is how you set up a class as a circle..... 1) Log in to your gmail account, in the top left you will see a '+you' or +'yourname' if you have signed up already.  Click this and it will take you to your google+ page - if you haven't used it before

Easy student reading lists with Google+ and Feedly

I have been reading quite a few relevant blogs and feeds for my senior PE classes, at the moment we are working on 2.2 - Train to Gain and I kept on coming across great fitness resources that I knew the boys would be interested in, as well as tips that would help them plan training sessions.  I have been