Today I presented at U-learn - although I wasn't at the conference over in Hamilton I was in sunny Gisborne! I was fortunate enough to be part of the TeachMeetNZ virtual presentation that was hosted by +Sonya Van Schaijik. Presentations for TeachMeet are generally about pedagogy and technology and there have been hundreds of sessions spread across the world over the past few years, google hangouts are the method which we use to share experiences. Our presentation was in front of a live audience at the conference as well as being streamed. It was a fun experience and I particularly enjoyed the presentations from the other educators involved, it was a great way to share as well as collaborate and I look forward to being involved again when I come to present my findings after my enquiry as an e-fellow with CORE education. Here are the slides from my talk.....
The link to the live presentation is here and another link to my slides with speaker notes is here.
The link to the live presentation is here and another link to my slides with speaker notes is here.
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