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Showing posts from November, 2013

NCEA with Google Sites-Free Template

This year I used Google sites to enhance the learning opportunities for my senior students.  This was particularly useful at the start of the year as we had minimal devices available for the students to use, and I encouraged the boys to get in the habit of completing the work at home and discussing it in class - much like the flipped learning method.  I found this enabled the students to develop good work habits with regards to working from home.  As the year developed and we had access to chrome books and I set up my own pirate wifi network I used the site to enable students to catch up on work missed through extra-curricular commitments and teenage organisation habits!   The architecture behind the sites involves a ‘PE Department Landing Page’ which provides a link to all the different courses we run - ‘Level 1 PE’, ‘Level 2 PE’, ‘Junior Health’ and so on.  The landing page also has slideshows and a calendar to communicate with parents.  Have a look...

Master productivity with 'things' and zero inbox

If your inbox look a bit like the one below (my old yahoo account that I use as a junk mail/signup account now) then it's more than likely that you'll miss the important things that appear in your inbox. In my opinion Gmail is the superior email client and if you haven't already set one up then you should get onto it and migrate your contacts from your old account and start fresh. Once you have gmail or an apps account set up then the most important thing is to create and organise your folders into distinct areas - everyone is different and will work out what is best for them-I have "home" for bills, electricity, phone etc  -"school" anything that I might need for future reference from work - "personal" emails from friends that I need to reply to or keep - "admin" account confirmations and details - and a couple of others depending on personal interests.  The folders are where you can